Acupuncture for pain relief in St. Charles, MO
When you or your children are in pain, you want quick relief. Using acupuncture for pain relief is a safe way that can accomplish your goal. That's why we offer it to our patients. We also use acugraph technology and auricular therapy.
Studies indicate that this ancient medical practice has an immediate impact on pain. In fact, the U.S military uses acupuncture for this reason, and the troops are embracing the treatment. The Battlefield Acupuncture technique the military uses is the same technique we use to help our local veterans.
Other studies indicate that acupuncture can help ease anxiety, reduce inflammation, help with fertility, and improve immunity. All around, it is a safe method for natural healing.
How Acupuncture for Pain Relief Works
While the exact mechanism of acupuncture is debated in the scientific community, we know it works. When you come in for a treatment, one of our experienced providers will place needles on specific points along the meridian points to help balance your body. Each meridian point coincides with a specific organ or body part. Acupuncture can unblock and repair the flow of energy or chi to your painful body parts. By stimulating the affected areas, we can help you restore balance and health.
If you would like to find out if acupuncture can help you, please contact our office at (636) 724-9444.
Why you should use acupuncture for pain relief
In some cases, acupuncture treatment can be a non-invasive alternative to surgery or taking medications. We will prescribe treatments after an evaluation to help your body when you experience discomfort or pain.
Acupuncture is great for physical and self-care. The reason is that it can release endorphins and other hormones, like estradiol and prolactin into your spinal cord, brain, muscles, and the central nervous system. These hormones cause a biochemical reaction that stimulates and accelerates the body’s natural healing process and can relieve pain.
If you have questions about acupuncture contact our office at (636) 724-9444.
Benefits of using acupuncture
Acupuncture has several benefits including relieving stress, restoring energy, and improving productivity. It also is a natural form of healing that is used to treat a wide range of health problems, including:
- Pain
- Infertility
- Persistent lower back pain
- Insomnia
- Headaches and migraines
- Joint pain
- Neck pain
- Post-operative pain
- Allergies
- Inflammation of joints and muscles
- Arthritis
- Digestive issues
- Improves overall immune system protection
- Sinus pressure
- Anxiety and depression
Live your best life with Perez Family Health Center
If you want to find out if acupuncture can help ease the pain you are experiencing, please our office at (636) 724-9444. We are happy to answer your questions.
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Let us help you and your family have the healthiest body you can have!