Sciatica pain relief in St. Charles, MO
Are you looking for sciatica pain relief? The nagging discomfort and weakness it causes can leave you feeling unmotivated to do your favorite activities. Fortunately, Perez Family Health Center has natural treatments that will get you back on your feet.
This condition is the result of issues with your sciatic nerve. This particular nerve runs from your lower back through your hips and down through each leg. When it becomes inflamed, compressed, or pinched, it will cause your symptoms. You may have this condition as a result of a herniated disk, bone spurs, or even diabetes. Whatever the cause, once it becomes irritated, the pain can be unbearable.
Sciatica symptoms
This condition usually affects only one side of your body. Symptoms can range from a sharp twinge to a burning sensation or even severe pain. It also can feel like a sudden jolt running along your leg or back. Other common signs of sciatica include:
- Discomfort or pain along nerve pathways
- Numbness
- Ongoing pain that worsens with movement
- Bladder and bowel issues
- Muscle weakness in your foot or leg
- A sensation of pins and needles your in toes and feet
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call the Perez Family Health Center for an appointment at (636) 724-9444.

Sciatica pain relief from Perez Family Health Center
Our sciatica treatments are natural and safe, allowing you to recover quickly. When you come to our wellness center, we will start with a full evaluation of your condition. Then we will formulate a plan suited to your particular body and situation.
We will incorporate chiropractic adjustments to help correct the underlying cause of the irritated sciatic nerve. That can include recommendations such as lifestyle changes, nutrition, acupuncture, injections, specific exercises, and self-care. For example, if your daily activities involve a lot of sitting, we will encourage you to get up and move.
Sitting for a prolonged period aggravates symptoms and could make you feel worse. Additionally, you may feel irritation after a coughing or sneezing fit. So be sure to alert us during your visit about any allergies.
If these treatments do not bring your relief, we may suggest physical therapy or injections to help curb pain.
If you need relief from sciatica pain, please call us at (636) 724-9444.
Home care
While you are between visits, you can try these self-care recommendations for treating sciatica at home:
Cold and heat therapy
You can alternate applying hot and cold treatments for 20 minutes for quick sciatic pain relief. The cold compress will help reduce inflammation. The heat will increase blood flow to loosen up tight muscles and ease your pain.
Over-the-counter medicines
Although we prefer natural solutions to help your pain, we understand the need to alleviate the pain so you can sleep and heal. If necessary common over-the-counter pain and medicine, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, may help. Ask us for our natural solutions for muscle spasms and pain relief.
If these treatments do not bring your relief, we may suggest more aggressive treatments like physical therapy or injections to help curb pain.

Live your best life with Perez Family Health Center
In addition to providing chiropractic and medical care, Perez Family Health Center helps patients achieve their wellness goals and improve their overall health. Call for an appointment today, (636) 724-9444.
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